01 Sep 2023

Q&A with Rob Mwangah, a rapper

  • What inspired you to pursue your talent/career/passion? 

The fact that I realised music and art in general resides in me, I decided to this is the path I can follow. 

Q&A with Rob Mwangah, a rapper
  • What has been the biggest challenge you've faced in your field?  

Time. I am part of a trio, and we all have other daily occupations. Meeting up is usually a challenge 


  • What are your future goals and aspirations for your talent/career/passion?   

To achieve the best version of myself, that would be nice 


  • What is something unexpected or unique about yourself that others may not know?   

My other passion lies in film, I bet you didn't know that. 


  • What is something you hope to achieve or create in the future but haven't been able to yet?   

To direct and produce a movie with my friends, it's only a matter of time.


  • If you could only pursue one aspect of your talent/career/passion, what would it be?   

That would be rap. I'm good at it and wouldn't give it up for anything. 


  • How do you stay motivated and inspired, even during periods of burnout or adversity?   

I celebrate every win, even the small ones. 


  • What has been the most surprising thing you've learned about yourself through your journey in your talent/career/passion?   

How fast I can get back up on my feet 


  • How would you describe your talent/career/passion in three words? 

Relevant, feel-good, genius 

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